The following is a presentation of Passeio Livre that was published in the CarBusters magazine #39, Summer of 2009.
“Passeio Livre” – the Portuguese expression for clear sidewalk – slowly evolved from a growing impression of the lack of respect towards pedestrian mobility to a new attitude: being critical of the apathy in which public authorities were sunk. The movement started in Lisbon, where several individuals gathered to organize an adequate response that could combat a disease which defiles all major cities in Portugal.
Inspired by the Greek “Street Panthers”, pedestrian advocates, in March 2009, decided to have 15000 stickers printed, with the slogan – don't just think about your navel (literal translation from the Portuguese meaning don't be so self-centered), respect pedestrians when parking – to be widely distributed and stuck on automobiles abusively parked.
The main purpose, to give pedestrian some power through a tool meant to express dissatisfaction, would make the problem visible and challenge the sense of impunity amongst brazen car drivers. Its popularity exceeded expectations; wide media coverage revealed a huge public interest under what had once been perceived as silent tolerance. Stickers were packed and sent to all over Portugal and some requests arrived from as far as Brazil.
A blog was created to document the actions and as a mean of communication. Readers were encouraged to send contributions to be published, home-printed copies of the sticker and they were also invited to participate in discussions.
In June all the stickers were gone; a contest was therefore promoted for a new design. Several proposals were judged by the blog readers and, in July 2009, 20000 new stickers in 4 different designs will be ready to be distributed at request.
Gradually, parking attitudes are changing.
Inspired by the Greek “Street Panthers”, pedestrian advocates, in March 2009, decided to have 15000 stickers printed, with the slogan – don't just think about your navel (literal translation from the Portuguese meaning don't be so self-centered), respect pedestrians when parking – to be widely distributed and stuck on automobiles abusively parked.
The main purpose, to give pedestrian some power through a tool meant to express dissatisfaction, would make the problem visible and challenge the sense of impunity amongst brazen car drivers. Its popularity exceeded expectations; wide media coverage revealed a huge public interest under what had once been perceived as silent tolerance. Stickers were packed and sent to all over Portugal and some requests arrived from as far as Brazil.
A blog was created to document the actions and as a mean of communication. Readers were encouraged to send contributions to be published, home-printed copies of the sticker and they were also invited to participate in discussions.
In June all the stickers were gone; a contest was therefore promoted for a new design. Several proposals were judged by the blog readers and, in July 2009, 20000 new stickers in 4 different designs will be ready to be distributed at request.
Gradually, parking attitudes are changing.